PAYROLL SOLUTIONS                                     Administrator Timeclock Login
Serving Florida Business for Over 20 Years                                 Employee Timeclock Login 

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Procuring the Right Services at the Right Prices for our Clients

 Payroll Solutions goal is to understand your unique business better than anyone else.

  We view each client independently and work diligently to be a strategic partner in the growth of your business. 

 We introduce cutting-edge support programs that enhance employee communications and improve benefit administration while saving your business time and money.

 Payroll Solutions has been serving South Florida businesses for over 20 years.
 Our unparalleled service, competitive prices, and overall value are why our loyal customers won't go anywhere else.

 We look forward to serving you!

Call Payroll Solutions today to see how we can help you!

Payroll Solutions
Janice Sartori - Owner
(915) 781-6338

What makes Payroll Solutions Unique:

- All Payroll Solution partners have over 20 years industry experience
- They are all business owners that are the best in their fields
- You will never deal with a sales rep needing to meet a quota who may have to "over promise & under deliver"

 Offering (based on your specific needs):

- Payroll Services
- Human Resource Consulting
- Time clocks & Software Support
- Business Insurance
- Custom IT Services
- and Accounting Software

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